Aftermath Alvin - iOS game

iOS game (June 2013)
My role
sound editing, music composition

Motion graphics company Shadylabs evaluated the Gideros platform with this endless runner game for iPhone and iPod Touch. It tells a light-hearded post-apocaliptic story of a robot, tasked with clearing a never-ending field of junk. Its simplicity (and repetitiveness) draws on the best traditions of side-scrollers of the early 8-bit and arcade era.

Sound support was rudimentary in Gideros at the time so we used a combination of special-padded mp3 files crossfading into one another, to achieve the transition from menu to in-game music. The sounds were basic and comical.

I also programmed the side scrolling feature, seamlessly connecting the background tiles in random order. The "junk" generation, originally random, was later upgraded to stochastic and part-based on Markov chains, with varying complexity.

The game was released to the app store in 2013. (It is no longer available). Music was scored in Logic Pro.

  • code and graphics by Plamen Marinov
  • code and sound by Georgi Marinov

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