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Ending lockdown


This new COVID-informed world will be tough on all of us.

In my post On Decorating Time three months ago, I wrote about deciding on an act of kindness and making my music pay-what-you-like. Two things happened since then:

  1. Many people actually continued to purchase my music.
  2. Twice as many people downloaded it for free.

I'm very grateful to all of you deciding to support me further, and also happy for the ones that could download freely and took the time to do so.

One potential issue that I'm wary of is normalising "free" as the nominal cost of my work, because trust me it has very real costs to make time and space to create music – to craft and refine it, to organise it, finalise it, and release it.

So I think it's only fair that from the 1st of July I shall return to paid releases. I am working to complete my full list of past titles on Bandcamp, to finish EP4, and to prepare for the way forward, by converting my process from fully programmed music released occasionally, to putting out more immediate recordings more often.


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